Competent Professional Standards

Structured Competency Framework

High standards of competence and integrity are essential for organisational success in risk management. A clear competency framework promotes continuous professional development, helping individuals maintain current knowledge and develop the skills needed for effective risk management.

The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) has worked with experts to develop a structured framework for identifying and evaluating key skills and behaviours in risk management. This framework can be used organisation-wide or tailored to specific roles to align with overall goals.

Structured Competency Framework

IRM Competency Cube

IRM's comprehensive risk management competency and standards framework enhances organisational efficiency and performance.

IRM has designed these competencies and standards to help organisations strengthen their workforce in risk management roles, accelerating the delivery of value. Our competency cube illustrates the interrelationship among frameworks, functions, and desired skill levels.

IRM Competency Cube


  • Alignment with organisational goals
  • Targeted recruitment
  • Objective assessment
  • Enhanced resilience through career progression and succession planning
  • Improved organisational agility
  • Development of a collaborative risk management culture.

Structured Competency Framework

High standards of competence and integrity are essential for organisational success in risk management. A clear competency framework promotes continuous professional development, helping individuals maintain current knowledge and develop the skills needed for effective risk management.

The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) has worked with experts to develop a structured framework for identifying and evaluating key skills and behaviours in risk management. This framework can be used organisation-wide or tailored to specific roles to align with overall goals.

IRM Competency Cube

IRM's comprehensive risk management competency and standards framework enhances organisational efficiency and performance.

IRM has designed these competencies and standards to help organisations strengthen their workforce in risk management roles, accelerating the delivery of value. Our competency cube illustrates the interrelationship among frameworks, functions, and desired skill levels.

IRM Competency cube


  • Alignment with organisational goals
  • Targeted recruitment
  • Objective assessment
  • Enhanced resilience through career progression and succession planning
  • Improved organisational agility
  • Development of a collaborative risk management culture.

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IRM Advisory Services Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales under number 13705919. IRM Advisory Services Ltd is a fully owned subsidiary of Institute of Risk Management.